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    Trouble in the Forest (open)


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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Yuuki Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:04 pm

    Landing softly on the ground in the center of the forest. Yuuki brushed her skirt off and ran her fingers through her hair,pulling it back in a ponytail.wearing a white button up short sleeve t-shirt with a black tie,and a black skirt and sneakers.She also carried a book in her left hand. Yuuki started to walk further into the forest looking for a place to sit quietly and read. Her purple eyes covered by the light shadows that the trees gave. most humans would think this was a creepy place to be but yuuki didn't mind or care. She smiled and found a decent tree to sit on she disappeared and reappeared on the tree's branch 100 feet in the air. She opened her book to where she left off and began to read...

    half an hour later a loud roar echoed through the forest below and suddenly the tree that yuuuki was sitting in began to sway back and forth violently.then it fell over. Yuuki jumped off the branch and looked down as the tree fell down to earth with a loud smash. a gigantic hollow could be seen studying the branch that yuuki was sitting on with confused grunting noises. The creature then looked up and saw Yuuki standing in mid air and it hissed. spreading its bat like arms revealing wings Yuuki's eyes widened slightly then she remembered that she wasn't helpless. an idea came to mind and yuuki smiled she hoped the hollow would try to attack her straight on.sure enough the hollow rocketed straight towards yuuki with its mouth wide open Yuuki's eyes turned light gray and she made a slashing motion with her hand. suddenly blood came out of the hollow's arm and it fell clean off. the hollow roared in pain and was tumbling down to earth,its arm becoming ash. Yuuki frowned at the hollow as its arm grew back and it tried to take to the sky once more. the clouds darkened and started to swirl. then thunder flashed across the sky and a large lightning bolt came down and struck the hollow right in the mask area. the hollow roared once more then turned into ash. Yuuki sighed in relief,her eyes becoming purple again and the clouds returned to its light gray color.Yuuki then gently landed on the ground,clutching her book. seeing the remains of the tree she sighed softly and she began to wander through the forest again,looking for another spot before other hollows appeared.
    Feign Callister
    Feign Callister

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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Re: Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Feign Callister Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:25 pm

    In the forest there was humming high above as a man was sitting high in a tree , half asleep as he hummed. His eyes were a beautiful Emerald color and his hair was short and red. his shirt was unbuttoned as it always was and he wore a pair of baggy blue jeans that hung on his waist. He seemed nice , and his reitsu was different from anything anyone had ever felt, his was kind and inviting. He read a book half asleep in his book as he sat above*

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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Re: Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Yuuki Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:53 pm

    (OOC: dun dun dun o.o'')

    Walking under a couple of trees,Yuuki decided to read as she walked. Opening her book to where she left off. Her eyes scanned the words on each page. noticing the aura that came from the tree above she hesitated she wanted to go near it but her instincts rejected the thought.thinking that it must have been some hollow using one of its abilities to lure her,she caused a strong breeze to ripple through the forest as well as a loud clap of thunder as warning to any creature that wanted to attack her to back off. Yuuki's eyes went back to its original purple color and she continued to walk. seeing a nice place by the river to sit down and read, Yuuki smiled and walked over to it. sitting down in silence.

    Posts : 30
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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Re: Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Kamaki Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:40 pm

    Kamaki was walking around enjoying the nature veiw,when he see's that girl that he like and her name was Yuuki. Kamaki walked up to her and said ''hello their how's everything?'. Kamaki ask nicely.

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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Re: Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Zilo Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:54 pm

    Zilo sensed Kamaki Spiritual pressure and decided he wanted to follow him for once. He landed behind him with a smile no one could sense his spiritual pressure he had gotten better at hiding it from kira he looked around and saw Yuuki and some male. And he spoke softly into Kamaki ear forgetting he couldn't be sensed. "So uh what is going down here?" He said in his softly.
    Feign Callister
    Feign Callister

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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Re: Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Feign Callister Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:55 pm

    (OOC: No one can naturally sense the lust reitsu, it feels more like a hormone thing)

    Feign continues reading calmly, he was reading a older book and on its spine it said Abhorsen. He always enjoyed old fantasy books, it gave him something to do unlike other days where he sat and did absolutely nothing. His aura fluxuated from strong to weak, as he had no control over it. This aura, he noted, was a pain in the butt to deal with when trying to have a casual conversation.

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    Trouble in the Forest (open) Empty Re: Trouble in the Forest (open)

    Post by Yuuki Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:30 am

    yuuki looked up from her book and saw Kamaki and zilo standing there.she smiled and put her book down gently on her lap.oh hi guys what's up?she asked softly while feeling kind of strange but she couldn't put her finger to what it was.she simply shook it off and brushed her bangs away from her face as she waited for their response.

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